Are you seeking inspiration from competitors?

Are you seeking inspiration from competitors?

Do you plan your own holidays so that you can observe what other similar enterprises in other countries or destinations are doing?
Are you cutting and storing inspiring articles from trade journals and the media?
Do you ask your staff and friends to bring back brochures and photographs from their holidays to show something that your enterprise can learn from?
Do you occasionally surf the homepages of the business leaders that you have identified?
Do you keep an eye on new measures with competitors in the local area?
Are you aware of changes and innovations that take place in substituting products (for example, a hotel might look into what happens in the camping sector)?
Do you work with students from universities who might bring a more comprehensive view of the competitors’ backstage action?
Do you ask your suppliers about what they supply to your more advanced competitors?
When you hire new staff, do you inquire about the achievements in terms of innovation in their former jobs?