Can your tourism service be innovated through recycling?

Can your tourism service be innovated through recycling?

Can you recycle service functions and increase customer value and earnings? Go through you service provision elements and script them as if it was a screenplay. Assess how you can learn from your own experience, when you are constructing new services.
Can you recycle materials without loss of customer value and earnings? Go through all raw materials, ingredients, office stabling etc and assess if there are possibilities to repair and recycle inside outside the premises, etc.
Can you recycle processes? Go through all processes and assess the how you can learn from service failures and recycle only the proved efficient processes.
Can you recycle marketing measures without loss of customer value and earnings? Go through your marketing portfolio and assess how you can reuse pictures, narratives, etc on different platforms.
Can you recycle supplier relations? Consider whether you can learn from your suppliers and discuss service improvements for both the supplier and you company.
Can you recycle staff? Consider how training measures for you and your staff can contribute to innovation in your company.