Is your land use plan opening up for tourism innovations? Checklist for planning authorities

Is your land use plan opening up for tourism innovations? Checklist for planning authorities

Does the plan include clear and ambitious visions and objectives about the development of the area formulated in a general, but unmistakable way?
Does the plan specify particularly sensitive areas where special building and landscape design measures are needed, and does the plan set up procedures to assess the developers’ proposals, and if necessary refuse them?
Does the plan suggest include “best practice” sections to show developers what general design ideas and materials are acceptable?
Is the plan flexible enough to be able to accommodate for newer design principles without compromising the visions and objectives of the plan?
Does the plan foresee land use conflicts (noise, traffic congestion, pollution etc), and does are measures included to avoid these conflicts, either by design or by regulation?
Does the plan invite suggestions from developers in terms of solutions to environmental problems?
Does the plan prescribe the most advanced environmental solutions and is there a plan for the municipal follow-up?
Is the plan a test bench for advanced new designs principles or new use of materials?
Does the plan include creativity enhancing consulting procedures that invite comments and suggestions from the local population and the users?
Is the plan developed in a tandem with the development of tourism marketing for the area?
Does the plan envisage what images and functionalities that present and future tourists will want to see?
Does the plan include “intelligent” requirements to the developers: requirements that will urge architects and engineers to go beyond repetitive standard solutions and which may, eventually, set new standards?
Is the plan economically sustainable?
Does the plan suggest ways to obtain financial support to extraordinary building investments or infrastructures, for example from development funds?
Is there are follow-up on the land-use plan in terms of presenting it to and discussing it with developers who might have the capacity of implementation?