New laws and regulations : your fresh innovation start?

New laws and regulations : your fresh innovation start?

Generally, do you consider new laws and regulations as major nuisance and/or cost imposer?
When you consider a specific new regulation, does it imply investments in technologies and equipment, which might give you a chance to reorganize your work operations?
When you consider a specific new regulation, can you use it as a positive sales argument that appeals to new or existing customers?
When you consider a specific new regulation, can it also save costs of energy or other supplies or in the long run?
When you consider a specific new regulation, will you have to upgrade the skills of your staff, and eventually obtain a better flexibility and service delivery?
When you consider a specific new regulation, does it imply that you need to do more paperwork, which can also inform your strategic planning?
When you implement a specific new regulation, can you at the same time improve the value of the product for the customer by upgrading the standards altogether?
When you are faced with a new regulation, do you contact your business association or other experts to ask for innovative solutions and best practice?
When you are faced with a new regulation, do you discuss it with the authorities, not to avoid the regulation, but to get ideas for innovative measures?
Do you keep an eye on upcoming regulation in order for, in time, to search for the innovation potentials?